Office Phone (518) 673-4487

Cell Phone: (518) 857-9365


PO Box 40

Palatine Bridge, NY 13428


Planning Board 1st Wednesday at 7pm Delbert Becker Paul Daw Eliza Putman Eric Dillenbeck Kenneth Burkhart


Zoning Board of Appeals 4th Friday at 6:30pm Robert Dettmer Sandra McCullough Richard Becker

Clerk’s Hours

Monday-Tuesday 8:30am - 1:30pm Wednesday 12pm - 7pm Please note, the clerk will occasionally take time off. Please call ahead

Assessor’s Hours

Monday-By appointment only Tuesday 1pm-5pm Please note, the Assessor will occasionally take time off. Please call ahead 518-673-5099
Copyright © 2023Town of Palatine.