Leigh Anne LoucksContact InformationPhone : (518) 673-5099 Email: townofpalatineassessor@gmail.comMailing address: Town Assessor PO Box 40 Palatine Bridge, NY 13428Office HoursMonday- By appointment Tuesday 1:00PM- 5:00PMWhen contacting the Assessor concerning your property, please have the following information ready: name of the owner (prior owner if a recent purchase), location of the property (911 address if improved), and the tax map number.Filing FormsAssessment CalendarExemption Filing Deadline – March 1 Tentative Roll Filing – May 1 Grievance Day – 4th Tuesday in MayGRIEVANCE FILING INSTRUCTIONSFiling Form PDF Final Roll Filing – July 1 School Billing – September 1 County/Town Billing – January 1
Clerk’s Hours
Monday-Tuesday 8:30am - 1:30pmWednesday 12pm - 7pmPlease note, the clerk will occasionally take time off. Please call ahead
Assessor’s Hours
Monday-By appointment onlyTuesday 1pm-5pmPlease note, the Assessor will occasionally take time off. Please call ahead 518-673-5099